Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hells Gate Breaks Loose

When hells gate breaks loose...

Disaster and chaos run rampant...

All we can do is hide from its terrifying clutches...

And pray to God for his mercy and grace...

For H1N1 might be invading my school!

Ok.Cut the cheesy talk. Straight to the point.
There is a rumour of H1N1. A morning session teacher in my school.
According to the rumour, the teacher was suspected two days ago.
While our parents are worrying the hearts out while we panic, the police are investigating.

And according to another person, they said someone in 1 Bakti might have H1N1.
But my sister who is in 1 Bakti said no one looked unwell.
While my sister calls the school's helper, I'm typing this freakin' post out.

So it's just a might. H1N1 go away! I don't want you to stay!
Stay safe everyone! '~'



  1. :O
    1 BAKTI?!?!
    But we had Moral class with them! Uh-oh...
    Some more I feel like I'm coming down with something... I'm SCARED!! T.T


    So therefore, I'm not going to school today. And you know why..


  2. T^T get well soon! I want to skip school too...
