Sunday, July 19, 2009

Be a Girl or a Boy?

If you are a girl, don't you ever wish you are a boy?
I do. But, Its a bit hard. God too wi
ll be sad if we don't be ourselves.
But, I don't like girly girls! yuck ! they are like "eww!" "gro
ss" stupid like shit!

Girls got more clothes,that's true. one thing i like bout 'em^^
But,If i wear dress, I have to wear pants if not, i don't feel comfortable. @~@


These are okay..but...

isn't that hard to wear???seriously....
so uncomfortable to walk...
you will get use to it but i like to run alot,
so if i end up wearing these i can't run !!!

First things first :
I know you may think i'm insane but
I'm serious
So, should i be a boy or a girl?
i know i should be a girl but its hard.
But i know i must so,
good luck to me.^^

Chao for now~


  1. Ahem. You're already a girl. And technically speaking, you're a bit too pretty to be a tomboy...
    Me on the other hand... I'm just me! =D

  2. fair...T^T Most of the time i like to run and chase like i boy...not like a girl at all...except i like shopping.. hehe
