Thursday, August 6, 2009

Expressing Feelings

A poem, is a form of literature.
A way, to express your feelings.
The feelings of guilt, happiness, regret or joy.
Sometimes, just writing your feelings out, will touch the many hearts of others.


Everyday is an ordinary day to me,
No excitement or glee,
But today I saw something different,
A broken heart,
A pitiful sight to see.

She had to cope with a lot of hardships,
The ones she try to overcome,
But sometimes when it's just too tough,
She gets emotionally broken down.

I wish I could help her so,
I really mean it you know,
But what could I do to comfort her,
But to just show I'm on her side.

Whether the hardship will be over,
Soon or not,
Even if this poem does not rock,
I want to say,
"That you rock!"

If only I had the power of silent sympathy....


Haha.. That was lame.
But I hope the person I dedicated it to will understand that I'll always be there for her.
Hoping for the best for her. Spend time together. Have a fruitful friendship.
And always know that I'm friends with her for what she is, and not anything else. =)
